What was I mining in 2008?
I've heard so many times that Germans love beer but I didn't expect a poll-watcher to drink during the voting hours. Is it allowed there?
Wegen Zeitverschiebung: Trump gratuliert Merz bereits um 14.30 Uhr zum Wahlsieg
Hans do what I couldn’t
Does anyone know why my vegetation changes brightness whenever I move? Is this happening to everyone? [KCD2]
California Nominates Steve Jobs for $1 American Innovation Coin
tfw you learn about jury nullification
Article on Fake Sea Glass
Grand Seiko 20 dollar shitter
Honor isn't just a word
Unironically I like this
Hand carved sea glass rabbit commission just finished
Wo Klima-Geld?
Is this accurate?🇩🇪
Warum Trumps Zollkrieg gegen Europa viel schlimmer zu werden droht als befürchtet
DS Finder app (iOS) cannot connect due to HTTPS in local network
how it feels after the latest Ukraine "peace" plan
„la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah” german press: motive unknown 🤔
Auto fährt in Menschenmenge in München
Hitler = „Vater der Autobahn" ?!
I saw this picture in an old book about Mac PageMaker 6.5 and I wonder, was 56.1 mb enough for you back then? What was the first Mac you owned and how many GB did it have?
Was die Trump-Sanktionen gegen den IStGH bedeuten: "Funktionsfähigkeit des Gerichts steht auf dem Spiel"
Botcast: Generate podcasts on the fly, offline
What is this?
Oopsie whoopsie ja
Why don't people make way for ambulances?