How would you deal with this situation?
Woman dragged from north Idaho Republican townhall by unknown, allegedly-hired security for allegedly "verbally-attacking the legislators". Local Republican officials later could not identify the security company hired.
A painting at my cousin’s house. Idk why but it cracks me up every time I see it.
Fellow INFJs, are you religious? If no, what made you lose your faith? If yes, do you tend to rationalize your beliefs?
How often do you feel lonely?
I feel exposed
What up?
Bro hit her with the hood.
Thinking about the statement "Men don't like women."
Massive Cuts to Social Programs
How to respond to “the gender pay gap isn’t real, men just choose harder jobs”?
Did we all develop into INFJs because of Childhood emotional neglect?
… origin not known …
Is toilet bowl cleaner ok to use on bathtub and tile?
Weird question, but how often do you guys wash/change your sheets?
Without looking it up, what fictional character do you think would fall under INFJ and why?
Mr. Pants presents his whiskers for judgement
Name me after the last thing you bought today
Oopsie whoopsie ja
Why don't people make way for ambulances?
Practicing 'Trying to save my husband'
the words 'female' and 'male'
Do you sometimes feel like you don’t have a personality?
What cleaning task do you like the least and why?
How do you feel about eye contact?
Where do I post this?