F I R E _ C H I C K E N
Condense this paragraph
Very proud
Your soul wanders an endless maze...
Dante's Inferno / Kuudra's End (Arrangement of Lava Kraken)
The factory lays dormant, chocolate essence of all the fallen rabbits spilt over the floor o7
name an item you never hear anyone talk about, for good or bad reasons, just one that no one ever mentions, ill go first
Remix of Mythic Warfare
How would you use a stand of your choice to get rich?
Welcome to the everglades, bitch.
[WP] As god himself takes final breaths beneath them, all the memories, regrets and tragedies begin to flood in. Realization sets in as to why god never put up a fight.
Updated fandom map (WIP)
In your opinion, RE: Nightmare Fabrications (Draedon theme), would you like it to have lyrics? like Roar of Jungle dragon or Stained brutal calamity. Music by TheTrester and PinpinNeon (links in comments)
The emporer could handle any dildo!
I'm building all of Skyblock on my island! The Dwarven Mines!
I'm building all of Skyblock on my island! The Spider's Den!
I'm building all of Skyblock on my island! starting with the mini hub :}
Clash Royale having an objectively wrong opinion on what qualifies as a win condition
Just for fun, what's your best theory on who actually is the king?
Map of Europe but the countries are labeled as the countries they hate.
Got this before auto recombbed sunshade
Was helping my friend with faster spawn rate by trading minis, totally unexpected
The Fel Angel - Part 1 and 2 (Fan Journal)
The Fel Angel - Part 1 and 2 (Fan-Written Journal Entries)
Withered Doom (Arrangement of Necron Doom)