How many times have you been the first to set an obsession?
how many artists and scrobbles y'all have?
See no difference
Who were your most scrobbled artists each day in January??
now that we're 1 month in, what's the gap between your most & 2nd most scrobbled artist of the year?
What's your scrobbles/artists ratio?
What song would you show a non-fan?
Lock container in 1.21.4
Invulnerable item frame from which items can still be removed
I created a topster of 100 albums, name any album and I’ll tell you my favorite song from it
An iceberg (minus iceberg). Who’s the lowest down we have in common?
How many 'Every Year' artists do you have ( stats)
What 5 artists/bands have you guys been listening to the most the past 7 days?
Misheard lyrics
What was your last x-hundredth scrobble?
Project Zomboid
Top 10 Songs From 'U' Artists
Searching for Bands/Artists from Honduras
What albums did you listen to today?
How many albums can you recognise from this chart?
This weeks finger print. I really like this new feature. How does yours compare?
A guy in my friends list hasn't been online for 8 years
Compatibility time
Tool to Sort Tracks by First Play Date?
Max Euclid's Wheat Hoe