6 weeks on Tret
Guess you know what to do
Image one - my skin a year ago before Trent. Image 2 - my skin now, inflamed skin on my cheeks. Image three- products I use.
just started, is this normal?
Jeffree sounds like the kid at school who makes up the most random stuff about his life to sound cool
Are they messing with me?
Have you ever been asked an inappropriate question at work?
Are you guys still going to watch Cody Ko after the accusations?
Hair color advice please
What is one REASONABLE thing customers ask of you that just drives you up a wall?
Extra hot americano
What grinds your gears?
What are everyone’s favorite Hozier songs?
What’s the worst drink you have ever made for a customer?
Share your pay!
Makoa is back
[TOMT][WORD] “Similar” to obsessive, but not quite a negative word. (More details in body.)
I was raped and i feel suicicdal since a half year, any tipps to get away from these horrible thoughts i always have?
Shaved my legs for the first time
What are names you love but don’t like the common nicknames for enough to never use it?
26 kids with each letter of the alphabet
What’s a name you’d love to use but never will because you know people would always pronounce it incorrectly?
Names like Syphilis?
What names are statistically over-represented in your life?