Thoughts on this arrest?
Short-termism is killing the planet: Why intergenerational justice demands we think long-term
German elections right now
What's a short, unbiased view of the German electoral parties?
German election results megathread
Bundestagswahl 2025 / Federal Election 2025
Taking on the global Left, Meloni says, when Trump, Milei, Modi and I talk, we are called a threat to democracy
കുട്ടികൾക്കിടയിലെ ആത്മഹത്യ ഒരു വലിയ ആശങ്കയായി മാറുകയാണ്.
Migration - Wieso so viele Deutsche ihrer Heimat den Rücken kehren
"Every young person right now knows the truth of what Zionism is … You lost!" Says a German woman at an anti-genocide protest in Germany.
"Every young person right now knows the truth of what Zionism is … You lost!" Says a German woman at anti genocide protest in Germany
Why is Vivado synthesis/PNR so slow compared to Yosys and nextpnr?
Warum China auf eine starke AfD bei der Bundestagswahl setzt
The Harsh Truth About 'Made In':
Sonnet 3.5 still goated for manglish tasks!
uncivilized baltoid barbarian is absolutely mogged by global south communism
Can someone call the asteroid and tell it to hurry tf up?????
Why doesn’t Taiwan drop all its claims in mainland China and declares its own independence?
A Lithuanian tourist's experience in Kerala
Feeling trapped in doing IP Physical designs in EDA company. Unable to move to SOC.
How did China get their suicide rates so low compared to Japan and South Korea?
Flag of fascist America
Legends never die
North America if every Secessionist movement was successful
Kerala urbanising rapidly, 96 per cent of population will live in cities by 2036