What would be the value of this card?
Eevee misprint (charizard stamped)
Is this a misprint?
Giving away an eevee promo from the Prismatic PC ETB! (EU ONLY, rules in description)
Best etb to buy right now?
Super rocket radar
What is the most embarrassing thing you did as a kid?
A melted porta potty I saw recently
The Emirates A380-800 Engine Next To a Truck
gotta hold it in
This pigeon laid eggs above a net without a nest in our college campus
To get to this playground, you have to go over this water parkour first.
What’s a question you’ve had for a long time that you still need an answer to?
What's the most badass thing you have ever seen somebody do?
What's the most mind-blowing fact you know that still blows your mind every time you think about it?
What is the best advice you've ever received, but only truly understood the value of years later?
I just caught this!!
What is the worst thing that happened to you at a sleepover?
Of what shiny have you gotten tired?
Mushroom that looks like a snake
The way to get to a playground.
Mushroom that looks like a snake.
How did you get in trouble at school?
What if you need wifi to take a picture?