Class war against the poor, waged by the world's richest man.
Capitalism is not freedom
What kind of disaster is he going to bring upon us by the end of these 4 years?
What justifications do they come up with to evade taxes!!!
Billions for the Rich, Crumbs for the Rest
Apple’s Planned Obsolescence
Truly, a very beautiful analysis of our current state of affairs.
Corporate Welfare for Him, Starvation for Poor Kids
'Work or Die' is a fact of life, not a problem with capitalism
Why should worker wages be correlated to productivity?
Ethics 101: Why Do We Question the Poor Stealing Bread, Not the Rich Hoarding It?
What a true comeback Andi zeisler said.
Why am I hearing so much bad news these days? Don't let this be like Covid.
Just do a little math
Facts vs. FOX's $100M Claim
Your labor value is getting stolen
More than a ring ...