Morning on Balkan be like...
Everybody is tired of this valve its not funny
Havent played anything but pudge unless its banned for about a year AMA
Hello dear gorgetz i present you this: I lost 18 games out of 20, lost 500 mmr, worst week of all time for me, first time in my life I had this bad winrate. Do not lose hope mr streamer xoxoxo
my comment to the sadE lore court-métrage of u/RemarkableMenu359
Merry Christmas to House bajs specifically
How Turkish people play chess
stockfish suggests tito as the best move
any Artifact/dlc bajs?
@turkish bajs should I buy one?
house bajs feelsokayman
Most Turkic philosopher in Turkey
Immortal Draft 2024 (6500+ FIX PLS)
le trench
The only real question bajs (hassiktir forsen malaka)
Never thought I would get anything from it
Day 5 Week 13 of preparing for Marathon with bajs: Gus
What mmr is rank 5000 at EU?
@forsen i heard you like bolognese
legendary undercover snipah Sukidav
This happened more than 150+ consecutive games, it affects thousands of people
A community issue in high mmr ranks, a case with 150 consecutive games
Choose your race
New LOL refugee (OCE)