Švedijos šaulys
r/lietuva yra normalu teisinti žudynes mokyklose, kritikuoti - ne
Kokia priezastis neprisijungti prie Lenkijos?
Tautos tėvas šlovingasis Gitanas von Nausėda vasarį išleis knygą apie savo didingą gyvenimą. Literatūros kritikai kūrinį jau lygina su Churchill'io ir Charles de Gaulle autobiografijomis
Viešasis transportas netinka lietuvio mentalitetui
Countries with higher GDP per capita purchasing power parity (PPP) than Poland, 1995/2021/2029
European countries that recognize Kosovo
Ar yra zmoniu kurie issikrauste is didmiescio i mazesnius miestus/kaimus?
A Cool Guide to Protesting Safely
Protesting Safely
BY and LT stamps in CZ passport
Only 21% of Europeans say they regard the US as an ally
If the European Union were a country?
It's wrong to use Elon to get away with anti-Afrikaner bigotry
Trump says he wants Ukraine's rare earth elements as a condition of further support
Rejoin or stay out? Brits would consistently vote to rejoin for 4 years now
Fuck Nazis
Nuclear war. USSR 80s
A question about Polish minority and Tomaszewski
Wehrmacht soldiers march past by the Latvian Freedom Monument(1942)
Christmas Eve Traditions
Trump seeks Ukrainian rare earths in exchange for aid
Tesla (TSLA) sales are dropping like a rock in Europe, but it’s not just because of Elon Musk
Each Country’s gender in it’s official language(s)
Benelux visa from Belgium. 1994 many years before Schengen visas were a thing.
Last night a Tesla showroom in The Hague was defaced with swastikas and anti-fascist messages