I'm new to Pokémon go and looking for new friends!
RD perspective on child sexual abuse?
Kissing newborn
I did it but I think I'm actually traumatized
Training my puppy
Can I pump half a bottle and leave it out in room temp for 20 minutes and then pump again?
MIL calling our baby 'my baby'
Finally had my baby! Long post TW: intense labor/delivery
How the heck do I get this baby out before 40 weeks?
How old are y'all here? What has been an "impactful" experience in your life?
Some of yall take this baddie group toooo serious, to say my baby going to come out slow? Nah bitch u trippin like damn I got you that mad??? 😂😂😂😂😂
Just came here to say…
Did I ruin my arm or just being over dramatic?
Keep your opinions to yourself
Just found out my (m19) girlfriend (f19) is pregnant
Fiance left me at 36 weeks
How do I tell someone kindly to not touch my damn stomach?
Everyone cancelled on me last minute for our baby shower ;(
Decided not to give my baby her father’s last name
this right side pain man…
When did you start growing out of your normal clothes and have to wear maternity?
Letting my neighbors know?
Ugh. Stupid neighbor driving me bonkers.