Is virgin stigma another way in which patriarchy harms men?
To the American shills in this subreddit
DAE have very little sympathy for Americans' economic woes under Trump?
Everyday life
Reasons for the U.S. to initiate a war against China
The US should be balkanized after the revolution, and American national identity should be done away with
Why do people in this sub always throw around Spanish racial terms?
Why oppressed Americans don't care about nationalistic narratives that call on them to have solidarity with their oppressors against their oppressors' enemies
Finland Moves to Ban Russian Nationals From Buying Property
Why does the DPRK provide information about its internal affairs to the entire world, while lying to its own people?
Why do so many straight women frequent gay bars? Research finds that the main motivations are to pursue safety and joy, with gay bars being seen as a better alternative to straight bars, which were described as dangerous or boring.
What do you think of the accusations in this Wikipedia article?
Jacques Audiard in France: "Spanish is a language of modest countries, of developing countries, of the poor and migrants.
Jacques Audiard en Francia: "El español es un lenguaje de paises modestos, de países en desarrollo, de pobres y migrantes."
“I Cannot Imagine Surviving”: Read the Stories of the Trans Women Facing Forced Head Shaving and Medical Detransition in Florida Prisons
There’s something deeply wrong with westerners
NGL, that's actually kind of awesome.
What in the world is this??
Why are Americans so quick to swallow jingoistic war propaganda & hawkish foreign policy?
Who was responsible for the deterioration in US-Russia relations?
KIA & TNLA: 'We must settle the score on who truly rules Kutkai Township!' - MNDAA: 'Nah, Beijing already decided, it’s our Special Region 1 now.'
Do you believe the US interfered in the 2012 Russian presidential election?
A fish tries to eat a Russian in China. This is how Twitter replies.
Do you feel like your life would be easier if you were the opposite sex?
Are the FAA's restrictions against various mental disorders an intentional strategy to keep pilots' salaries high?
What will be the new "Computer Science degree"?