First time going to theatre tech conference, How do I prepare?
[Free Offer] I want your OCs 🫵🏻
Does anyone know how you can apply for technical theater jobs overseas?
[LFA] Raiko & Ruki
[RF] Raiko and Ruki for u/EliteGay
I tried taking some cute wrapping paper pictures of the boys.
Good tunnels for rats?
[RF] Onyx Earth Genasi Pirate for u/WellImHereIGues
[LFA] Onyx Earth Genasi Pirate
This ad I saw while scrolling through Pinterest
[RF] Hubris, Feylost Leonin Noble for u/WellImHereIGues
[LFA] Hubris, Feylost Leonin Noble
How do I format and make a resume for technical theatre?
[LFA] Warforged Monk Jester
[RF]Fortune the Leonin Arch-Fey Warlock
[LFA] Tiefling Scam Artist Warlock
Random Question, Would the fear of bees be more related to the slaughter or the corruption?
A Nowhere King cosplay I’m working on
[LFA] Thalia,Friendly Hobgoblin Path of the Beast Barbarian
I am in fact a DM
the catch? it has to be one single item.
[self] Went to our first con as Nowhere King, Wammawink and Splendib from Centaurworld
Looking for art for my newest D&D character
Looking for someone to draw this symbol I saw in a dream.