JPDB, who hurt you?
PolySubML: A simple ML-like language with subtyping, polymorphism, higher rank types, and global type inference
Parametric Subtyping for Structural Parametric Polymorphism
Algebraic Subtyping
Carbon is not a programming language (sort of)
The adoption was weak enough that we actually decided to un-open source it.
Heart of the Cards
Can I just ... not sentence mine? Will that hinder my progress a lot?
POV 2072 The [Palimpsest] Foundation (aka. Ladder)
Everyone shares their overwhelming success stories. How about some more "whelming" ones?
Bant Neoform Energy
Tier List of Adversaries?
What is a matchup that you found significantly easier or harder than you expected?
Dread Pirate Roberts
Display all readings on kanji cards?
Updated solo Serpent strategy guide
completed wanikani: now what?
The gen auto-trait problem
Mono Red Prison - Still at all viable?
Jolted Awake
A Million Is A Statistic
Has anyone landed Serpent's ultimate? (3rd of Rouses in Power)
What was your longest fasting time?
I've been trying intermittent fasting since December 1st. Curious if there seems to be a difference?
New to Heart-Vigil: is it just me, or is it overpowered?