Favorite “Normal” Weapon?
Your Last Image of a Character is what Solo'd Goku.
Me when 1000 words plays:
I purposefully misinterpret the Yharnamite Voicelines >:3
Favorite character who isn't a villain but is the main antagonist/rival?
What do yall think?
My biggest gripe about this game: WHY IS EVERYTHING SO DAMN HEAVY
the struggle is real
Is your birthday
If FFX had loading screen tips, what would they be?
Favorite comfort character that should NOT be a comfort character
Which do you prefer for replay and why?
Best builds for a average player.
Help i can’t choose a playstyle
Tonberry plush 🥰
FFX Chocobo Mod Fun!
How long does it take to max the sphere grid for all characters
Yuna and Tidus plushies - yay or nay?
Which place would you want to retire at, provided that Sin wasn’t a constant threat?
Just finished a playthrough and I'm crying.
Favorite traitor?
Quest Started: Destroy the Dark Brotherhood
I agree. Not all of the movies may be perfect but some were fun to watch. But some could've been better