Cash out?
AITAH for being upset with my boyfriend for not disciplining his son for making a racist slur?
Friend says that my hygiene routine is too much and that I should tell my therapist
AITAH for telling my cheating wife that I deserve a vacation with my girl best friend?
My wife does nothing.
If you’re married, how long did you wait to get pregnant after tying the knot?
I think I found out my (F) husband (M) cheated on me
Husband with brain trauma
Oral Sex Help
Could my husband be gay?
I'm sick of this 💩
How was your sex life last year ?
I’m a burden on my wife
I'm 40 and I just found out I'm pregnant
Help should I leave him
My fiancé called off our engagement over finances, and I’m struggling to understand—did I do something wrong?
Do you find your spouse attractive?
Marriage help please!
Sex life and ASD
Husband autism diagnosis
It’s over, now what?
Feeling Lost
Found out husband reached out to AP again.