About Sayori, why she acts the way she does? Also about Monika...(spoilers)
Question about Sayori's behavior (an analyse question about her) and the poem Hole In The Wall...
Monika's actions explained?
So, about Sayori and monika...a question (spoilers)
Why she...(spoilers)
Aout Mama and her...(questions for experts in the story)
Lore please help me to understand.
Two lore questions I would like help with.
Two questions regarding lore and story. please help.
The whole school knows?
why sam used fragile express' credentials? please help me understand this.
About the abuse...And the sound argument (Question spoilers)
Question about the story of the chiral artist daughter, for those who remember and know very specific details about it all?
I still don't get the concept of persona according to Igor in this game.
Please explain this theory to me from the game.
In persona 5, what is the symbolism of the mask? (Deep analysis question)
Can somepne please explain to me what was this transmutation circle in Lab 5 and Xerxes?? (spoilers)
Can someone explain it to me, about the beach and what Fragile meant by these lines?
Execution of personas, and the meaning behind it? (Lore)
Does anyone know how Morgana changed his appearance during the first palace?
Question about what happened before what with the coach.
How did Morgana end up where he is at the start of the game?
About when the different characters summon persona... [lore questions]
Can someone explain the masks