Extended slide stop available?
Using a 5.56 can for 22LR?
LGS wants $799 for a Carry Comp
Did I screw things up by offering a reference without being asked?
Careers after sales?
Hit the 160's!
One more question: stock pile or get pens?
Unedited PDW
Speaker Phone is Rude AF and I'm Tired of Pretending it isn't
Is this common practice for an interview?
Filling time?
Got dinged from the only in person interview I’ve had in a long while.
It's insane but you can't help but laugh
Transplanting pepper seedlings into milk jugs?
Original 1988-‘89 unopened set. Any idea of their worth?
Is the hiring process outdated?
Are you using AI to write cover letters or how's it going out there?
Will i get my money back or Am I screwed?
suppressed shotgun.
accidentally twisted truth-will reference bust me?
Was told to post this here
Does it come off as stalk-ish?
Where to buy manure for garden?
Didn’t get the job and saw it reposted