Why do some people get so enraged by beliefs that have no impact on them?
Overly logical/ non empathetic people are actually terrifying
How do we women know if we are overestimating our attractiveness?
Feeling Pathetic: How Do I Break Free from Needing Male Approval
If you change as a person, should you switch your friends who can’t let the old you go?
I've always heard about the "Introverted Extrovert." What about the "Extroverted Introvert?"
Burps are worse than farts.
Just started this show two weeks ago ( already on season 10 )
Is it possible for someone to have genetics that are so bad to the point where they will not only be incapable of building any muscle at all, but will also lose muscle from resistance training, despite doing everything correctly?
How do you argue with people that don't see reality?
Why is there a sudden surge in teenage boys becoming very religious/Christian?
Me and my family are going through a real life nightmare involving a 6 year old boy.
What makes age gaps okay to some and weird to others?
No physical touch in five dates
Math helped me realize why it's so hard as a bi guy
Are you turned off if a guy you're attracted to is much older than you thought?
My 29M boyfriend said I'm (27F) not the sexiest girl that he could've been with
How do I wake up my mom with PTSD Without scaring her?
I don't get why therapy's supposed to be the fucking cure to all mental illness
If you aren't capable of violence you aren't peaceful, you're harmless.
Where are the women that don’t want kids?
Why do people see me as ‘mysterious’ or ‘different’ just because I’m quiet and reserved?”
How does porn addiction work ?
Best physical shape of my life, but worst mental, why?
The restroom trans issue is a non-issue