Winter scene I've made for an art contest. Mixed media, gouache + soft pastels.
give him a name
Opinia o majonezie zamiast masła? (Nie wiem czy wsm to sub na pytania też, jak nie to usune)
I want to design armor for female fantasy characters and I need some advice
What’s a real life version of this armor/ would this be viable?
Which one of these guys would drive a person to actual insanity, if they were real?
Your character alignment, according to your go-to earlygame melee weapon.
Where do I find Nek? (Wrong answers only)
one word
one word 🥋
If you could wish for Miyazaki to create full-fledged game based on another series, what would it be?
Simply niedziela
Wild white witch apprentice
Which places gives you most Gothic vibes?
Ornstein cosplay
Which armor set is your guilty pleasure? (i.e. the only armor that you’d wear in full) I’ll go first:
I found the long lost Carian Princesses
So Tarnished
Now answer me, which Elden ring face is most punchable?
Moje ulubione kanapki ostatnio
Mój kanapkowy debiut tutaj
Zgrillowana bułka z ziarnami, majonez, czerwona cebula, rukola, ogórek konserwowy w plastrach, pomidor i placek ziemniacazany. Udało się zjeść bez rozwalenia.
Bajgle z avocado i czerwoną cebulka
Tosty wersja 1: chleb żytni domowej roboty, keczup, cebula, sałata szymska, pomidor, jajko sadzone