collection 🥺🙂↕️
Leah's Cottage in isometric view! :)
It is time
Toxic yaoi posting day 2
What game got you like this? From start to finish
The new 5 stars outfit have a unique ability to put enemies and animal to sleep will you pull for it?
We need them back, like now.
Souda role model
Let’s see how much hell fire people want to rain on me
The worst thing I saw today
why did everyone forgive **** in dr3
STB de ghoster du jour au lendemain?
STB de ne plus vouloir faire d'efforts pour me réconcilier avec mon père?
Heartfelt Gift Shop's 4* outfit Evolution
I'm curious, was there a moment that you felt your favourite gacha "grew the beard"?
Ca ne m'embêtera plus d'acheter des portables chinois
I'm at soup
Every Persona character based on if I could beat them in a fight(tell me what to make a tierlist on next I’m bored as hell)
Vivre d'un RSA ou d'un revenu universelle ne fait pas de vous un fainéant. Ne pas travailler pour survivre devrait être un droit défendu et reconnu par tous.
My gacha experience lately, can't stop suffering.jpg
This doesn't seem right (by TMSkinny)
Figuring out type matchups can be finicky
Ces jeux qui vous ont marqué par leurs histoires ?
It’s a Pigeon Outfit!!!