Who wins this?
Does Akoya plant drugs on people like real cops do?
New girl, New ship
Which one your favourite?
Which one would you pick?...
Solo leveling Ragnarok🔥🔥
Payment received,
People in this game have a weird obsession with duelists/dps.
Which werewolf do you think would win in a fight?
Current strongest in the Anime as shown so far
Rakan looks so badass and intimidating, but I was disappointed when he turned out to be a coward and weak compared to the others.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't care for Askin
I will say this fight scene was cool
Dude, you got no rights to give comments like that. 🤡
edward vs cosmo, inaba and nikaido, who takes?
Thoughts on the wolf man 2025 design
Be honest, would waves suit me?
which do you prefer?
I’m blown away by the support from this community - finally monetized!
I just wanted to say watch hours are very hard to gain maybe if you get 1k a day it go fast?
Is ohma stupid?
How do I deal with this goddamn cockroach woman?
How do you feel about the way Mukaku turned out in Omega?
Which thumbnail is better ?