Reminder of Rule #2
Bunu nasıl yenebilirim
Ailemin Tekrarlayan Vesayet Davalarına Karşı Ne Yapabilirim?
Deck Help Discussion Thread
Yay or nay
1 year after hair transplant and
28 hits different
Ekrem İmamoğlu’nun cumhurbaşkanlığı ön seçimlerinde diplomasını eklerde göstermesi
A $125M historic mansion on the Bosphorus – The most expensive house in Turkey
Ended the season like this because i didnt spend any money on the game ever. :,)
I finally did it!
Escalators aren’t enough anymore, now people walk on the handrails too…
Do you like my beard?
Hi from Oregon
Update: I kept the goat for a while, trying this out now.
"Create a New Yorker style cartoon"
A man’s beard is the essence of an alpha male
What's something that isn't therapy, but feels like therapy?
What is it about a beard?
Good morning
Wishing it was Friday already 🤣
Dolandırıcı bahisçiler
How should I order my pics and do I need to lose some?