This game is done. (For now?)
Yup new update delayed
My favorite build what’s your favorite build ?
Pyramid Head Tips?
Texas should NEVER add SBMM/MMR it will ruin the game
Upcoming patch for February delayed? Thoughts?
I suck as a victim
Mathematically impossible to release the 7 pieces of remaining content before February
Can we bring back cross play but with no PC
The Muerto Times - Eighteenth Edition
Devs, is the 2003 chainsaw intended not to have a unique sound?
If these following changes don’t come for family next updates… the queue’s will stay horrible!!
Question for victim mains..
This game is so easy as family
For Hitch Players
Switched to PC, my experience with new players
*DEVELOPERS* Is it laziness, incompetence or a lack of staff?
Why tf do Killer Mains dc so MUCH at the start of the game
My personal ranking on Fam
Hot take: A Family main complaining about a family sided game is diabolical
Nerfs to Grapples/Close Encounters since the game's release
When will this EVER be fixed? It’s been like this since the level 99 skins released!
What’s with the Connie obsession?
hot take: i am a family main (queue times are mainly the reason why). i don't think proficiency needs a nerf. just use this perk instead. it turns 50 proficiency into LESS than 20 (around 15 proficiency)