Found this on my friends desk. Should I run?
Hello everyone this is the window ear guy. Earlier I was playing with my 4 year old son and noticed this.
Le REM est à nouveau en panne.
To drive in the snow
Tesla Cybertruck vs snowy roads.
Garbage human picks through packs of strawberries to make her own perfect pack
Weird little wooden thing. About 1 and a half foot long "collapsed", Barely 1lbs, seemingly all wooden except for 2 screws on the bottom, no writing or manufacture.
Lui, il va NULLE PART
Cows thinking they have to jump the white line
Un bus dans le vieux Québec est pogné
«C’est énorme»: 30 000 rendez-vous médicaux manqués chaque mois au Québec
Si quelqu'un est à la game ce soir
To run for Senator in the Philippines when you're on FBI's Most Wanted List.
To have a good workout.
To look like a hero
I hate my forehead hair.
«Manques de respect»: la tension monte entre les péquistes et les bloquistes en raison du chevauchement électoral
To have integrity...
Metro Place Des Arts today...
Snow removal at its finest
L'homme doit-il payer le premier rendez-vous en 2025?
Safia Nolin, plus forte que la haine
Proposition de contre-tarifs sur l’aluminium François Legault s’est-il tiré dans le pied en négociant publiquement ?
I made a necklace from my broken ankle plate
To pretend he's not the current POTUS
Israel threatens 'all hell will break loose' on Hamas in latest Gaza ceasefire crisis