WoW Classic: Season of Discovery - Quick Start Guide for New & Returning Players
A fragile ego in 3 pictures
Shout out to the DPS that lead.
I’ve peaked in my wow career
Oh well...
Truck driver thought he could pull onto Market street in Philly before the crowd dispursed after the Super Bowl
What is the horde equivalent of hogger?
AV pro tip for more honor
Does anyone else hit up Elwynn just to de-stress?
Someone made a booboo
Early itemization and set bonuses were great
Pika wipe review, Xaryu 1/10 roach
the size of a full grown adult male moose
Chance is losing it
Quin69 First MC Death of Mizkif's Raid
OnlyFangs Clears MC with Mizkif Raid Leading in Japan
Quin blames Mizkif for his and MoonMoons deaths
Gunnar has a depressed 9 yard stare after his death
Savix spills water on his PC while watching a clip where someone drops a water and falls.
SummoningSalt becomes the first person to ever beat Mike Tyson in under 2 Minutes.
Incase you're American and curious what's being said on Canadian Media
I soloed Omen as a lv 20 Free Trial.
In-fighting ensues on r/conservative as a member is attacked for voicing concerns about their research budget cuts
PSA: Boss Extra Attack Mechanics
14 hour flight…