Telling beginners not to work on their dream game is bad advice
For those that use Python in their job: Do you like Python?
A new video from Dr. Mike: We Were All Wrong About Protein Intake
Unstoppable Force meets Immovable Object (ends in a tie)
What should a Go dev learn next?
Advice for a Noobis
Python programmers not in ML, what are you doing these days?
Representing heterogeneous data
Do you track your sets or go off intuition? And why
What is the most underrated workout that no one does?
Making a Bodybuilding Dashboard.
Double progression
Friends who meal prep together
30 Day Ab Challenge Day 1
Statue of Neptune (Poseidon). Melenara Beach, in the city of Las Palmas capital of Gran Canaria, one of Spain's Canary Islands!
Questions about lifting goals, diet, volume, Etc.
As I see them
Is learning FP a waste of time?