Strategy optimization: in sample periods vs out of sample / walk forward testing periods
Your dating life in 2025
Escalation post observational opener
2025– where to get the best weed near Condesa?
Looking for recommendation for backtesting course / tutorial
I need an in person translator for a visa appointment. Any recommendations for not an expensive service?
URGENT- how can I find a English - Spanish translator
I wish I could date a guy like you, but not you | Reality check
Is there an API that gives historical market data by minute by minute or second by second?
Where can I get minute by minute indices data?
What are some data sources for Indian indices and futures intraday prices and volumes?
Why do Colombians like Miami?
I saw many posts saying do not stay in unsafe areas in Bogota / Medellin. But what are the safe areas?
What’s right answer to “do you want to date other girls” after hookup?
BBB — where to stay?
What has worked for you in encouraging your (female) lover to be active during sex?
Do you have experiences seducing "good girls"?
What has been your experience being in a relationship with a beautiful woman with low self-esteem?
What has been your experience in using coldsculpt or other non surgical tummy tuck procedures?
Coolsculpting vs Renuvion Vs other non surgical options for slight tummy tuck
Does anyone have experience with non surgical tuymmy tuck?
How do I loose tummy flab / excess skin / visceral fat?
In late 40s. Very fit (14-16 pct body fat, muscular etc). How do I loose excess tummy skin?
Approaching a girl in crowded coffee shop / coworking space