New player starting on warrior makes me want to quit already (lvl 45)
Used up all my luck today
Aerial footage of Marana Regional Airport crash
I am stunned what I've witnessed
Build Giveaway - Temporalis Choir Autobomber
Presenting the Map Stash Tab
By my calculations, at maximum you can have exactly 126 minions. PoB included.
Are you retiring and waiting for next league?
Giving away my stat stacker tempest flurry around 280-300 div
4 x 80 divines giveaway (next 8 hours of posting)
bricked 7 Stellars before just giving up and trying a random gold ring
TLDR for atlas mapping
Did I finally found something good?
I crafted this today to give to someone
Today I’ve spent over 1h pinging on trade site trying to buy a ring in 2-3 Div range. Not a single reply. This sucks. We really need an auction house.
When "always" is not always.
Test of patience
Giving away my Stormweaver Spark build and all my Currency! Just comment under this post and i will chose a random person 2 hours after posting.
10 breaches, 5 frames, 1 portal.
Well.. I got baals at least. This dad is signing off after almost 300 hours after this one though
Crafted a cute lil sparker boi ammy
Didn't know this was even possible.
Can't hold all these snipers, started without 30% attribute req and +5 minions.
This game is just way too good. Good job, GGG.
The Best Existing amulet for Mana Stackers in the game yet so far!