MGR style cover
Perfect World releases their first Q&A for Tower of Fantasy Global. Free SSR Selector, Plans to catch up to CN, Crossplay for PlayStation, 10 year support for Global, and more.
Aether Gazer publisher change from Yostar to Yongshi as of April 21, 2025
Targeted Study - Fission
The head patting question
Why is this mini-game so DAMN difficult
Neko Makiatto
New Game Mode [Strategic Preparation]
New exclusive furniture for Lingguang
I wonder what they carry
Gunsmoke Burnout
Fuck this event, low effort vampire survivor knock off.
Nemesis Gets Serious
What Makiatto was up to in the 10 years prior to the game
The (in)definitive guide to gacha gamers classification...Because I'm sick of people calling others gooners for playing games that show a bit of skin here and there.
Distracted SKK
Forgive me fellows Dushevnaya fans, for I hast commit a sin of slandering most grievous
Every waifu gacha's sin
The kind of chocolate i want for valentine
アンカーパニック Anchor Panic Will Be Officially Released on February 27th
Why does Suomi look unhappy in her swimsuit? I see "(•‿•)" and "( •_•)", respectively
Commander and Doll Compatibility
Valentine's day wallpaper featuring Peri (MP5)