ليش ممنوع ننشر اي شي فيه نقد للدولة الجديدة
هل في منع ل السوريين عالسعودية
معقول نحنا نكون من الدول هاي؟
DRAM light is a constant red on motherboard, cannot get display or BIOS
قولتكن بيسلموه؟
ليش ماهر ؟
Any homsi here ? I wanna chat with some of them
Am I the only one who just now noticed that the monolith is floating and not a large solid column?
Which one would you like as a Halloween decoration?
Am I the only one that hates this?
Im not even good at the game
Hey Guys, I have a Question. If you get to create your own Clique what will you name it, And which Bully characters would you pick to be on your clique???
After So Many Years I Finally Decided To Get 100.00% Completion. 🥳
I three starred Youtuber Judo sloth's base in Multiplayer battle
What is the best video game you have played?
What are signs that you might not be as attractive as you believe?
What’s a social habit everyone seems to accept but you find really annoying?
Completed 900 day streak
Which skin set is this?
Is leetcode only for students?
My upgrades since the unlimited heroes event started:
Will Syria become livable in the next 6 years?
Hey, native speaker here. How bad is my handwriting? Its techically not russian but i have similar handwritings in every cyrillic using langs so
ضمن القوانين طبعاً، شو هو الرأي اللي عندك ياه بخصوص مجتمعنا السوري اللي بخليك هيك:
I had to break through my bathroom door