Work chat notifications be like:
Is this Laoss?
It's never too late to better your life
Why did all of the men in Sodom want to have sex with those angels so badly?
Clueless math guy renames elements they don't like to name of
Mevrouw smokkelt stiekem tweede persoon de zonnebank in
It’s never too late.
Why is France always choosing violence
Imagine removing the entire Maccabean revolt because of one passage about praying to the dead
Cock around, cum out
Can we stop telling people they arent christian for voting for trump?
Great video for the MAGA Christians to think about.
Anybody know any resources for learning jewish?
17 States Sue To End Protections For Students With Special Needs
What it feels like to include an electrical engineer in your project
sportswear for the masses
Grandma, Please
Vegetarian/Vegan poutine has meat in it (called restaurant and they said this is meat, not meat substitute)
Groningen plaatst bushokjes in straat zonder buslijn. ‘Anders krijgen we niet betaald’
Wie is Vicky?
It’s growing AGGRESSIVELY towards the window. I tied it to the wall. How else to punish?
Scholen passen niet bij Jamie (15), maar leren wil ze wél
Henk vrijgelaten na meer dan 40 jaar tbs: 'Succes in uw verdere leven'