Having a baby with a narcissist man
I don’t know what to do
38w and I just want to be naked
does anyone else experience stuff like this??
What annoying things have been said to you as a pregnant woman?
38 weeks +3 days
Boyfriend (33M) & I (35F) together for 6 months. He slept with his ex wife
How love-bombing broke me—and 5 lessons I learned to never fall for it again (books recs included)
im not crazy right?
I am so numb I can’t even cry anymore…
Baby boy sleeping & woke up
Sibling love ❤️
Ex reached out
Frequent trims
She had her babies 👶! 🐶♥️
She’s due soon 🤰❣️🐶♥️
Pregnant mama 🐶♥️
We’re expecting little pumpkins soon! ❣️🐶❣️
Baby shower- inviting men and women?
It’s been a year
Three weeks after my wedding I discovered that my husband was cheating on me
is this abusive
What’s something you knew happens in pregnancy, but still surprised you anyway?
I know I need to leave. I'm so depressed I can't function, much less figure out a safe exit plan.