What advice have you been given that has helped you’ve throughout life?
Having kids close in age or spacing them out?
What’s a weird food combo that actually tastes good?
Who would you like to see a biopic about?
What is something you realized that made you feel like you were maturing?
What makes you feel like an actual adult?
For those who don’t drink water, what do you typically drink?
Have you ever heard a rumor about yourself and if so, what was it?
What’s your marriage proposal story?
When was the last time you made a friend?
Anyone remember their first apartment?
Do you see homework anymore?
What’s something that tells what state you’re from without actually telling what state you’re from?
What advice would you give someone who is in their mid to late twenties?
What’s a popular food item that people commonly eat that you don’t like?
What’s a big misconception about introverts or extroverts?
Would you rather to live in a warm state or cold state for the rest of your life and why?
What was the first phone you had?
What part(s)of your body have you grown to love as you got older that you may have had a hard time accepting at a younger age?
What’s a job/career you started out doing but didn’t really get to “love” it like you expected?
What was the breaking point that made you quit a job?
Can I get some song recommendations for those perfect late night drives?
What’s something you have more appreciation for now as an adult compared to when you were a child?
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your teenage self?
What’s something majority of people can do, that you haven’t been able to learn how to do?