Nothingeverhappenscels fuming
I’m done
Here in Pakistan the military is worshipped for whatevr reason
There are too many paindu people (boys/girls) in sp25 batch
Am I cooked...?
Anyone who choose Networking domain for their CS degree
Trump in his gaza plan speech said the palestinian population is around 1.8 mil
Remember this bullshit? Lmao
Please do not forget Balochistan
Pakistan says it blocked social media platform X over ‘national security’
Thank you Elon, very cool!
Asked Chatgpt to Explain Pakistan Independence in Gen Z slang
Muslim apologetics is the funniest genre of youtube videos for me.
After Graduation in International Relations,
Coalition govt to last only 6 more months if situation ‘not fixed’: Punjab governor
USA deported/ to deport 7k+ pakistani living in USA illegally...
Pakistan’s Military Hopes to Drag Trump Back into War in Afghanistan
China-Russia-Pakistan Military Allegiance as Opposition to NATO
Am I cooked?
Tum saare Islam se khaarij
the world is so upside down
Aristotle's Nichmachean Ethics and Politics, Circa 1275-1300. In the translation of William of Moerbeke. To date, the rarest acquisition in my entire career.