Are they genuine ?
Is it authentic ?
Are these genuine ?
Linking plane tickets ?
ECON 480- Seminar in Microeconomics
Give me underrated colleges
Recommendation for AP Physics 1 online course with lots of videos and explanations ? Course credit not needed.
Londons are so comfortable . What other shoes/boots have a similar footbed ?
Lost the cable for this desk lamp. What should I order ?
Domestic Ontario Rate Form
International day pass not working in Singapore. Been trying to call ATT and constantly put on hold for more than one hour. After receiving a call back I am passed from person to person and put on hold again. So frustrating.
How many times can one repeat a course ? If I fail the second time is it possible to appeal to turn that into a dropped class , or is this futile ?
UBC Sauder or UofT Rotman or McGill Desautels
Is it helpful or necessary to take Econ Macroeconomic Theory I Econ 222 first before taking Macroeconomics Policy Econ 223 offered in the summer ?
Summer 2024 courses
Is Comm 211 financial accounting or Comm 221 intro to finance easier ?
Looking for summer GPA boosters, who should I email to confirm those classes are relevant for graduation ( to double check ) ?
Is IDIS 173 open to all students including 2nd year ? From ArtsSci, not Health Sci. How difficult is it ?
Is summer registration open ? How does one sign up ? Unable to find the tab on Solus .
So I’m obsessed with these - are they already falling apart?
Just finished Nothing but You
Currently on a course waitlist . How do I find out how many spots there are in total to estimate if I will get off the waitlist ? I remember seeing a class size but that info is now missing.
Outgoing Exchange GPA
Waitlist number 7 on Econ 255 . What are the chances of getting in and how do you accept a waitlist, on Solus ?
Is it still possible to switch academic courses for Winter term ?