Can someone explain what happened to SOTs? And Tzaangar?
500 point list
How to allocate points for pink horrors/blue horrors?
Kitbashing the exalted sorcerer pack with Rubric Marine pack
Exalted sorcerer kit only has 1 gun?
Rule question: Does Ahriman's free ritual count as "used"
Struggling to figure out the best 500pt army (from the minis I have)
Finished up a couple exalted sorcs and an aspiring one who shoots his gun a little weird but it's ok
Many others wouldn't dare. But the Rubric Marines and Terminators trudge across Fenris
Thousand sons warband list - "colours not listed in imperial records"
I’m a Black Templars Player. I want a CSM army. Which legion should I go?
Need advice on quitting my job
Question about pay raise with promotion
My Winged Daemon Prince ready for the table!
How important is the blue/gold colour scheme?
Questions about a doubles tournament list.
My Infernal Master
what to do with list
Rubric Marines (In Progress)
Follow-up to previous post re: Ahriman Prospero box for 40k - disc?
Freshly based Tzaangor Enlightened
1.5k List Idea
Help with creating a TSons army
Planning on playing 10th edition, but accidentally bought the Prospero Box version of Ahriman - did I mess up?