english muslim world
هل جبهة النصرة وهيئة التحرير الشام نفس الجماعة او يختلفان
how to solve israel Palestine problem
What are your opinions on Baha'i?
جمال عبد الناصر
If an islamophobe ever said this to you, how would you debunk it as a muslim in 1-2 sentences?
Syrian forces clashed with Hezbollah members on the Syrian-Lebanese border preventing weapons from reaching to them, thoughts
65 Civilians, Including One Child and Two Women, Killed by SDF Snipers in Two Months in Aleppo city - Report by SNHR organization.
اشاعات ضد الحكومة الجديدة
الف لعنة على ترامب الخنزير ونتنياهو السفاح المجرم
الحرامي و العبيط
Macron congratulates Ahmad Alsharaa on assuming the presidency and invites him to visit France.
Sunni knowledge
Can you please make dua for me to enter Jannah?
Only Muslims go to Jannah?
Why are Muslims still not boycotting ??
DOD drafting plans to withdraw all U.S. troops from Syria after recent Trump comments
Welp here is the Zionists doing their Zionism
معقول نحنا نكون من الدول هاي؟
Why are we not doing more to Free Palestine??
مشروع اسرائيل الكبرى بادئ من الان وهم اولهم في غزة والضفه