I was expecting a broken Madison… 🔥
HCC Gary
Palm Wood
What is this? Found near Connecticut River.
Any ideas
Obsidian drill or awl?
Saw a post a while back that was a reminder to be careful, and thought I'd add mine.
Obsidian point I created from Eastern Sierra Obsidian
Moreland Site
Kansas River Finds!
Decent day in Wyoming
Agate Basin Trio
February's Member Of Honor!!! u/aggiedigger !!!
Going hard in the paint for them smokers
Found in NOYGDB v2
Knife River Flint Frame
Real or fake: ???
Looking to Identify These Items
Some of my favorite finds including 2 incredible big sandy points east, northeast tx
Stone Artifacts (Miscellaneous)
Thoughts? Bighorn sheep horn
Making a Copena point and Kentucky’s Middle Woodland Period
Found this today.
Lost Lake Overton Co, TN