Thoughts on Lost Leader Strategy
Thoughts on Emolga the Irresistible
The one time croagunk’s poison jab came in handy
Favorite character with air powers
How would you change Cilan's Stunfisk
Thoughts on Staging a Heroes' Welcome
Can you name any moment where Team Rocket was actually a Legitimate Threat to Ash?
What are your thoughts about the team plasma arc from Pokemon black and white
This scene is my favourite part about the episode Ty vs d-structs
What’s the one thing you don’t like about Pokemon diamond and pearl
How do you get players to join the trainer gym
What’s your favourite filler episode?
Thoughts on A Gaggle of Gadget Greatness
How would you rewrite the episode: Secrets From Out of the Fog?
How would you change Georgia
How would you change Burgundy
How would you change Iris?
Thoughts on Pillars of Friendship?
Thoughts on Gymbaliar
Thoughts on Scraggy-Hatched to Be Wild
Thoughts on Battle Royal 151
Gym leaders--how long are you giving inactive members before booting them?
I like goldtrux’s theme song
What is your favourite episode from the Pokemon black and white anime
Thoughts on A Relay in the Sky