Found out baby’s gender
Why did you cry today?
10 DPO period in 3 days
5 weeks pregnant tomorrow!! Symptoms…
11DPO. Cycle day 25. Easy@home pregnancy test. I don’t see anything but my friend does.
i have no clue how many dpo i am…? i’ve never kept up with it but is this positive or evap ?
How’s everyone feeling?
Successful pregnancy stories with little to no symptoms in first trimester please
Anyone taking progesterone?
11/12 dpo do you see it?
Update: blue dye test from yesterday at 9dpo. Now 10dpo and I took clear blue and easy at home brand pink tests. Can I start to believe it now??
PSA: why you need to stop testing: 24 dpo vs 31 dpo
Liking, not loving, my Fetus
Which symptom in your pregnancy do you dislike THE MOST?
How did you know you were pregnant (besides the pregnancy test & missed period)?
Is Pubert a bad name?
Is this a positive? Heal check brand, advertises there’s no evap line. 13dpo, taken this afternoon.
UPDATE BFP!!! Unknown DPO but CD27 🥺🥺🥺 omg
20 dpo - stop testing
Sharing my 20 DPO results
Anyone see it? 10ish dpo
Positive line? 10 dpo
Progession or Chemical? IVF FET no 2. Today is 8dp5dt AM all other tests are from 4dp5dt PM? (Unknown brand)
Lack of symptoms causing me so much doubt
Line progression stalling? FRER 15 DPO