Where are the real Christians?
So True
Is smoking sinful?
I want to believe in God…
Is this a true Christian symbol?
What is up with You American Christians?
What do you get when a Democrat and a Republican have a baby?
Should I kick my pothead son out?
What do you guys think about all the "exposure" going on in the church?
Name for a Band made up of Police Officers who secretly commit crimes
I don't believe my prayers will be answered. Does that affect how God reacts to them?
Is smoking weed a sin
Band name for canadian zombee pimps.
Guys, I'm Russian. I want to check it out.I want to check out a few myths about you
How to talk to unbelievers who have a great life with minimal issues about Jesus and why they should follow Him?
I don’t know whether to be Catholic or Protestant
If Egyptian gods are just demonic entities in disguise, why was God ok with Joseph becoming second in command of this government that worshiped them?
I'm quitting water
If you thought your country was three to six months away from a violent collapse, how would you prepare?
I’m afraid of the nothingness that comes after death
70 Christians beheaded in church: What we know
I’m tired of living a lie
i literally cant do this anymore
Are thong underwear comfortable to wear?
Why is god blessing non believers or worse like satan people