Alleen naar de bios, pretpark, restaurant...wat is de algemene opinie hierover?
Hypocriete huilies
Can you be friends with an ex ?
I Build A Gaming PC... (very easy)
Wat advies nodig
Logeren bij opa&oma als volwassene
Sox, that train-wreck stallion
The new 2025 Livery
what was the first thing that you thought when you saw this?
reasons imo a horse shouldn't be left a stallion
People who get turned off when someone texts ‘too much’, why?
Jamie Olivetree
What is your favorite class to play
Playing BG3 with a competitive amateur friend is a DISASTER
Favorite Bigger Body?
Tips voor alleen wonen?
Am I the only one that thinks the player base is too harsh on SSO?
Single people of Reddit: What are you doing this Valentine’s Day?
What do men like as a gift on Valentine’s Day?
Ideale leeftijd om kinderen te krijgen?
Apologizing ahead of time for all the future baby Oliver spam ❤️🥹❤️
What does green mean to you?
Boycot Amerikaanse producten
Do your parents play videogames?
What is your best strategy when your text is left on seen