How many loses in a row considered normal in ranked game?
I made a custom crosshair for every heroes in the game (the rest in the comments)
The thing is the best free target for Raccoon so far.
Unrelated but wise men learn from other's mistakes, hopefully Rivals will remain the way it is
Trans rights are human rights
Solo queue hell Diamond1 dropped to Diamond 3 again what you think guys?(Any players playing in Tokyo servers)
Matchmaking needs to be fixed
How do y’all feel about Mantis x Loki 🤔
How it feels some times to ask my team if one of them they could switch to help on support after we all go 0-7+ first round
Half of you need to learn to swap
who’s your main and your worst enemy when you play
Does Luna actually need a nerf?
This is the biggest problem with the game right now, bar none, mostly thanks to streamers. Said he was on his third account (other 2 are celestial, this is diamond 3)
Playing BG3 with a competitive amateur friend is a DISASTER
Why is Rocket so hated?
Time to hit the craziest losing streak. 😎🫡
Yum, squishy healers...
So... What will be his thing? (Gameplay)
Moon Knight is by far the most annoying DPS, he by and large relies on an absurd gimmick with ridiculous burst damage, ridiculous ult charge rate, and a ridiculous uncounterable ult
What do you think of my recent lose streaks? From Diamond to Gold
I have literally never, not a single time in my entire 50+ hours playing Rocket, ever been flamed.
"The Missing Piece": Why the Girls need Tremolo, Tremolo needs the Girls and People need People
How to climb above Plat 2 as Rocket Raccoon?
Marvel Rivals Ranked Matchmaking Is Broken
Is Flex Rank supposed to be somehow difficult than Solo Rank?