To the CE that got autokicked for TKs last night
BMP after getting hit by 2 LATs
Dear devs. Can we please update the incredibly small scope picture that some scopes have since the PiP update? (pics comparing old vs new). PLEASE
Russians: turret toss masters ... Turkish: hold my ayran!
.Ini graphics exploit patch has been rolled back
Damn i knew it. Now official: Layoffs at Crytek and Crysis 4 on hold since Q3 2024
Great update!
.Ini graphics exploit has been patched
Looking for Player I Met on EASY Company This Week
what determines spawn times? they always seem random, sometimes they're 70 seconds, sometimes they're 0 seconds and then everything in between.
It's so much easier to counteract sway and suppression with optics
How do you get a lot of kills with machine guns?
Voting has becomes insanely boring.
Squad perfomance issues
.ini file game exploit abuse
Tfw a mfer starts playing erika or ussr anthem at local chat during prep stage thinking it's the funniest thing ever
Graphics settings
squad need destruction
DLSS Scope clarity sucks
3 years off the game, game back and got treated well by the infamous ICO update
When DLSS 4 support?
Need help with graphics settings
Server Closed Connection
Enable DLSS4 and MFG in Squad?