You accidentally bump on one of those guys while doing shopping, what do you do?
Why is half my head wavy? Any tips in general?
I hate it.
Does a bonnet really make that much of a change?
Does anyone have any idea on what I should do to fix this? I dont feel like I even have curly hair anymore
Night before birthday, and one of the worst hair days ever 🥲 (And a fairly good hair day for comparison)
Sitnice koje vas nerviraju u ugostiteljstvu?
What do yall think? Fake or Real?
I feel like I am getting fatter because of my parents.
How do people find cheap products that work? Where to look in cities with basically no stores for hair care?
Could I use both a curl cream and a mousse?
Just used a leave in for the first time. Was this bit of an overkill?
Which one is better? Liquid or cream leave in.?
Humanity is absolutely awful
There is something seriously wrong with my dehydration
Germans posing with the 7.7 ton shell of the Gustav Gun, the largest gun ever made
Who would win the hypothetical war?
There is something definitely wrong with me, but nobody listens to me
I currently drink about 6-7L of water a day and Im still dehydrated
So Happy to Finally Get the Nee Update
[Rant] The matchmaking is making the game unplayable for me.
Did the devs raise the price to refill stamina? This is def too high
I just lost like 9 times in a row. 4 times because a maxed player just runs straight and my defenders cant catch him.
Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, or a wight supreme the skin color of his girlfriend.
Why does the game crash so much on pc? I just lost 2 hours of quests!!!