best beat ken has ever hopped on
Just turned 13. What to expect?
this was cartis favorite tale as a kid i know it
kanye is uploading prn rn on x this cant be real
Ken best song lyrically
Played 2hol at the bar
Liza is such an amazing person.
Worst artist of all time
bro can fucking sing
cleanest most normal ken carson song?
First song you’d play?
Santiago es un poco deprimente
I'm total newbie and today i start using PS, i made some stuff, can you give me some feedback on it...Tnx
most overrated nett song 💔
You wake up as Nett, whats the first thing you’re doing?
Nettspends flow??
unreleased grails?
im a latin american teenager, and im deeply confused.
hivemind fans' 128 favourite songs bracket day 02. top 8 most upvoted songs will enter
What’s yo nett top 5
i like how 2 smiles the entire set lol
maturing is realising white tiger was prime 2hollis
Kanye says Me Too victims are liars
remade "tyla" from scratch!!