Weekly Meta Discussion Post
I hate forced birthers that choose the existence of an embryo in their teenage or even preteen daughter's uterus over their daughter
We should create a list of all the things beyond abortion that “prolifers” want to ban. No abortion, not birth control, no IVF…
Katana obsessed weeb calls me fascist and racist.
Why do some pro lifers claim their feminist
So what's the story behind the Pthumerians?
I finally beat Queen Yharnam!
uhm why do they think everyone’s gonna agree women should be forced to get their nipples sucked and their bodies drained of nutrients?!?!?
Your personal inconsistencies
There's an obvious difference between these two
They want to make decisions about our bodies with zero push back at all. They are so entitled, it’s ridiculous!
I typed pro choice into Reddit by mistake instead of typing the subreddit in and I saw something that made me mad.
Noooo. What did I do?! SPOILERS.
Where does the stereotype that women are unfunny come from?
Am I playing wrong by not using guns?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Someone needs to stand up to those pro-choicers!!!
What do the pictures have to do with the cords?
What does this mean?
PLers, why do you demand/expect this of her?
When is the earliest time you recommend getting into the DLC?
They can’t understand bodily autonomy, because they don’t view anyone with a uterus as a person. They feel entitled to our bodies.
Why should I value a ZEF enough to care about its life?
How do I intercept the giant boars in Yaarghuul?
What was your start to enjoying horror movies like?