[GA] - Hamilton, ON - Betta Fish
Rehoming a Betta fish (Hamilton ON)
AITAH for still being best friends with a guy who has a girlfriend?
Best friend knew exactly what she was doing... I hope OOP dumps them both.
Update 2 - My wife refuses to accept our divorce and think she's trying to trick me.
How do you overcome people's judgment?
AITA for not giving my sister her cat back after she abandoned her for more than a year
How many men are extremely monogamous (no thirst traps/porn/etc)?
WIBTAH If I brought up some minor (turning into major) issues with my dorm-mate?
What is an uncommon feature of your home that you appreciate, that is not common everywhere?
If you had a baby girl today, what would you name her?
AITA for having my neighbor's boyfriend banned from coming into our trailer park after he threatened me in a fit of road rage?
How did you quit Nicotine or any other substances?
SS from AITAH in case post/comment gets deleted