Blackpill me on gait recognition
Unpopular opinion: people overestimate the importance of face when passing
I can't believe I took all of him
Where do I go from here?
Peter Finch on Instagram
How do I look more passable?
Note to self: stop calling hot guys "bro" and "dude."
What's your makeup routine?
Weird post op erasure?
Do my legs give me out or would I be passing if you saw me in public?
Need some advice.
She got me tulips cause I licked her two lips 😅
the guy i was seeing realised he might not be into me bc im pre op
Red flags or green flags ?
Tiffany or Gucci fit better?
we have a mod now??? since when
Y'all weren't kidding about chasers being on this sub because I get shit like this everytime I post here. Like what the fuck is this I'm 17.
Is it weird of me too....
I desperately wanna be t4t but I think I’m T boy repellent 😭
You dont have to 100% pass to date straight men.
Plumber on her day off
Why are most people on this sub (I include myself) pretty aggressive in comments?
Usually bearded, trying goatee. Opinions?
I’m gonna force myself to become a transbian bye y’all